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Sensor de tensión de red LC de 500 kg / 5000n, sensor de tensión de red

Descripción del producto

500KG/5000N LC Web Tension loadcells  ,web tension transducers 


LC Load Cells provide a highly responsive linear output signal for measuring, monitoring and controlling web tension in continuous processes. They utilize a full-bridge semiconductor strain gages and a temperature compensation network for consistent accuracy and performance. For application flexibility and convenient machine installation, L C Series web tenion load cell  can be installed directly on the machine bracket or may be floor fixed Installation.


Technical Parameters:

itation voltage

10V DC

Output voltage

2mv/V(Factory setting)

Strain resistance value


Strain resistance type


Max. output signal

150 TY% P

Synthetic error


Max. overloading capacity

500% rated loading

Detecting type


Features :

1.Low hysteresis

2.Temperature compensation
3.Full-bridge strain n resistance
4.Excellent linearity and stability
5.Apply to idler roller and live round roller detecting
6.With maximum overloading to 500% of rated loading


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